Sling Furniture Fabric Replacement
Tropitone®, Brown Jordan®, Mallin®, Woodard® and other Major Brand Sling Furniture
Is your sling fabric worn? Faded? Threads coming unsewn?
We have a solution!
We custom measure, cut, sew and install new sling fabric with Teflon thread.
Renew the life of your furniture.
Email a photo of your sling furniture to [email protected] for a quote.
Call for an appointment to visit our showroom to see our selection of fabrics.

Everything we sew…
The Difference is in the Thread!
GORE-TENARA® Sewing Thread maintains its strength even after regular exposure to UV sunlight. UV resistance is built into the thread, and is not a coating or additive that can wear off. Unaffected by Sunlight. Using GORE TENARA® Sewing Thread tells customers that they are buying a premium product built to last with durable seams and a brand that’s backed by more than 25 years of experience from the company that invented it. GORE TENARA® Sewing Thread will outlast the fabric into which it is sewn. Gore guarantees it!*